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Recruitment Stops Program


We would like to introduce to you our Quick Stops Program. With the quick response to your recruitment needs, we introduce to you a quick activity in highly populated visible sites that have been identified as high traffic areas and with high probability of qualified BPO applicants. It can accommodate any morning or afternoon focused strategy without compromising a whole day office time. This can also help you manage your whole daytime and divide this to half day recruitment and a half-day office paper works or capture two different locations in just one day.


The venues are pre-listed locations in fast food sites and restaurants near malls, schools, offices and recreational areas. The site becomes a place for recruitment, signing-up, quick interview and hiring. Our qualifiers and recruitment coordinator, will invite, register and qualify applicants on-site and work with your recruitment officers to bring in good quality applicants for your company.

QUICK Stops Program


1.  Time: 8am - 1:30pm ; 2pm - 7:30pm

2. Freebies: Fast food items included.

3. Additional: Giveaways to be provided by the client.

4. Team Leader: (1pax)

5. Qualifier: (4pax)

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